FAPSA - Project Description
The extended period of lockdown, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has affected the daily routine of many teenagers. Recent research of leading Greek research institutes revealed an unprecedented use of gaming consoles and the Internet. Adolescents’ web addiction has doubled, with high-risk online behaviors reaching 50%. At the same time, self-injury in girls increased by 10%, while the depressive feeling was doubled in both genders, according to the Athenian University Institute for Mental Health.
Offering a technology-oriented monitoring process could help thousands of parents and guardians to detect abnormal activity or behavior at an early stage. To this end, Bom Solutions will develop a user-friendly mobile app (available on android and iOS devices) in order to serve as a “first aid” addiction-diagnosis means. University of Patras will offer its expertise in the development of appropriate diagnostic tools, videos, and useful information that will be integrated into the mobile app.