2nd KTE welcome meetings – 16 & 21 September 2021

SMART4ALL welcomed all 17 winners of the 2nd KTE Open Call in two online meetings, which were held on 16 and 21st of September. The Head of the Mentoring Committee and moderator of the event, Florian Fricke and the technical manager of the project, Christos Antonopoulos, presented the organizational structure of SMART4ALL, emphasizing on the key responsibilities of consortia during the funding period and the phases and deliverables till the experiments’ execution.

During the meetings, representatives from the 2nd KTE selected experiments had the opportunity to briefly present their ideas, expectations and future steps for project execution, while they were informed about the coaches and mentors that will help them during their experiments in technical and business issues.

The aim of the meeting was not only to offer the KTE winners all the necessary information for the orderly execution of their experiments, but also to foster collaboration and encourage a fertile exchange of ideas and good practices.

The virtual meetings proved to be a fruitful warm-up opportunity for all projects, which officially started on 15th of September.

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